“Why are you seeking to raise monthly support now even though you need to live in the States for 3-4 years so Jinpei can get US citizenship?”


We don’t have time to waste.

As soon as we get to 100% of our monthly support, we can give our full attention to the base/resort.

We need to travel to Malaysia 2-4 times a year to talk with friends, YWAM leaders, and government officials. Long before moving there, we need to buy the land and start building.

We need to travel the US, Europe, and other places to share this vision to raise the money to buy the land and build, and to find those who will join us in Malaysia. We want to plant this seed in the hearts of many, many people and organizations: other YWAM bases, churches, other mission organizations.

Also, we need to prepare ourselves by taking YWAM leadership and ministry schools, and we also need to talk to those with experience about how to run a resort and a base. We want to be sure that when the first student and the first guest step onto the compound, Jinpei and I will be prepared.

So, while we are living in the US, we will be:

  • traveling
  • speaking
  • sharing
  • raising money
  • studying
  • preparing ourselves for the work
  • buy land
  • begin building

To do all of this, we need to raise our personal support. Our goal is to get to 100% by the end of August.

Thank you so much for praying for us and partnering with us.