Why “1 Place, 3 Functions”?

a wooden swing on a beach

The first thing God spoke to us about was a resort for foreign missionaries. Originally, the thought was to just run an existing resort, but God kept dropping ideas into us. It went from running a resort to starting one. Then it went from just foreign missionaries to Christian workers (missionaries, pastors, evangelists, etc.) from all over Asia.

Just like you, missionaries need to take regular vacations from their work. But traveling back to their home country every year can be cost prohibitive, especially for those with families. Not only is the travel expensive, but they need to find a place (or places) to stay, possibly inconveniencing family and friends, pay for food, gas, etc. while traveling in their home countries.

Providing a place to stay that doesn’t cost an arm and a leg to get to is a wonderful service to those that have given up so much to serve overseas.

For most missionaries, we just want to provide a nice, clean, fun place for them to relax for a week or two. A place where kids can run and play, where families can enjoy homemade pizza while watching a movie on an outdoor big screen. Even a place where couples can spend time together while their kids are doing other activities.

For other missionaries, we want to provide a place of quiet where they can enjoy nature and nature’s God.

But there are others that need help and encouragement in their work, lives, and families. For these, we want to provide counselors and people that can pray and minister to them.

Whatever their need, we want to be able to provide a service to help.

At first, we were just thinking about foreign missionaries seriving in Asia, but then we wondered why would this place be just for foreign workers. Why not Asian workers? They need breaks, too.

We’ve known Chinese pastors that have been pastoring for over 20 years, and have never had a true vacation. They’ve had “working vacations,” where they’ve gone someplace to study, but never just to relax.

It seems some Asian Christians feel that “vacation” is a dirty word when it comes to Christian workers. They should always be serving God and the Church. But Asian workers also need a place where they can relax and receive counseling and prayer.

people sitting with notebooks on their laps

When the idea first came of running a resort, it also came with the idea that during non-peak times we could run various training schools at the resort. This soon evolved into having a full-fledged Youth With A Mission base offering various schools year-round for the training and sending of Christian workers in and to Asia.

Not only would these students be learning practical information, but in some schools, they would be able to turn around and use what they’re learning with the guests at the resort. For example, a student of the School of Counseling would sit in as counselors meet with guests, then begin counseling others as their knowledge increases. Students of the School of Prayer would meet with workers from around Asia, praying for them and their work.

While most of these schools would be geared for YWAMers, there are some schools that we would want to open up to any worker from any organization or church. These would be 1-4 week courses where workers can be taught how to be better leaders, more effective evangelists, and better prayer warriors. Many church leaders in Asia have never had a formal Bible education, so some of these schools would help make up for that lack.

Click here to find out more about YWAM

a man praying for another man

The third function is to become a hub of prayer for all of Asia. When a worker comes from China or India or Myanmar to relax at the resort, we want them to know that when they leave, there will be a group of people praying for them on a regular basis.

When a worker in Japan is planning a Christmas party for her English students, she can send us a notice, and we can pray for them.

When a missionary trying to reach the Aheu Luang people of Thailand hasn’t seen a breakthrough, he can send us a request, and we can pray for that breakthrough.

With all the good that the resort and base will do, we want the place to be known above all else as a place of prayer.

This is why we are in such a hurry to raise 100% of our monthly support.

We don’t have time to waste.